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Why  Choose  Invite An  Enchanted Princss and Friends

Remember the last time you did something for your child that really hit a home run parenting wise?


I'm not talking about the movie or family dinner night out that was marred enroute by the corresponding unexpected temper tantrum or "cage match" sibling fistfight in the backseat while you were tempted to scream like a lunatic at the rear view mirror.

I mean the one thing you did that put a permanent deposit in your child's emotional bank account?

Choosing the right princess or  character for your party can do that.

It can elevate the status of your party from just another obligatory family event with all the emotional landmines those usually entail to something really special.

We've put together parties and  events that have been attended by celebrities -- Chris Rock, Jason Alexander, Katie Couric, Phoebe Cates and Kevin Kline, Rosie O' Donnell and Dr. Ruth, to name a few.

However all those pale in comparison to the little birthday girl who told her mother, "Tonight I am a real princess." (After one of our events) "Before I was just pretending."

Or the birthday girl that kept smiling for weeks and even months over having their favorite character transform her birthday into a coronation event.

Family is hard, we make your next birthday event easy.

It starts with the right talent -- former Broadway child stars, pediatric nurses, student teachers -- cast members that are really talented and who really enjoy performing for children.

It continues with our free princess/superhero wrangler that smooths out any potential bobbles and ensures a great experience for everyone.

All of this is created by our 20+ years of experience creating memorable events for children and their parents.

That's why people choose us to make their child's event unforgettable.

View our packages here.

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By Invite An Enchanted Princess

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